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Charity Contribution

25p from the sale of every journaling set and 5p from the sale of every sticker set will be donated to Create (Arts) as a collective yearly donation.

During my self-help journey, art has provided me with a form of cathartic self-expression and inspired this entire stationery collection. Therefore, I wanted to support a charity that uses creativity and the arts to help others.

Create has been using the creative arts to empower the lives of thousands of vulnerable people since 2003. In 2020, it was named Charity of the Year by Charity Times.


The charity has programmes for the elderly, young and adult carers, individuals suffering poor mental health or illness, migrants and refugees, children and adults with disabilities, LGBTQ young people and many more.

Find more information about this award-winning charity on their website and please read this article about how Create helps Frank, Matthew and Latisha to take a break from their caring responsibilities.

Useful Information

Find information regarding privacy, orders, packaging,

delivery costs and our no return policy here.


Environmental Impact

The stationery collection was consciously designed and manufactured here in the UK from FSC papers.

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